La más amplia retrospectiva de Marlene Dumas en los últimos veinte años reúne casi 200 dibujos y pinturas desde la década de los años 70, cuando la artista sudafricana se instala primero en Harlem y después en Ámsterdam, hasta hoy.
Marlene Dumas was born in 1953 in Cape Town, South Africa. She came to the Netherlands in the ‘70s to study at Ateliers ’63 in Haarlem. On completing her study, Dumas settled in Amsterdam, where she still lives and works. In recent years, Dumas has held important exhibitions in the United States (New York, Houston and Los Angeles), South Africa, Germany and Japan, and elsewhere. Her work is represented in the collections of numerous distinguished museums and private collectors throughout the world. Dumas is the recipient of many prestigious art awards, the most recent being the Johannes Vermeer Prize (2012). – See more at: http://www.stedelijk.nl/en/exhibitions/marlene-dumas-the-image-as-burden#sthash.9bItFpe3.dpuf
Recientemente, Marlene Dumas ha recibido el prestigioso Johannes Vermeer Price.
Marlene Dumas, The Image as Burden, Stedelijk Museum, Ámsterdam. Del 6 de septiembre de 2014 al 4 de enero de 2015.
Marlene Dumas, Measuring Your Own Grave, 2003. Fotografía: Andy Keate
Johannes Vermeer Prize (2012)